Twixl Publisher 5.1.2

Twixl Publisher
Name:Twixl Publisher 5.1.2
Size:124.6 MB
FilesTwixl Publisher 5.1.2 .zip (124.6 MB)
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Name: Twixl Publisher for Mac
Version: 5.1.2
Release Date: 28 Oct 2016
Mac Platform: Intel
OS version:OS X 10.9.5 or later Adobe InDesign CC2015/2014, CC, CS6 Xcode 6.1 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit
Web Site:


Twixl Publisher lets you easily create iOS and/or Android apps (for both tablets and phones), based on Adobe InDesign content. You can publish in Apple’s App Store, Google Play, or the Kindle Fire Appstore. You can also export a “Web Reader” version of your content for displaying a publication is a standard desktop or notebook browser. The free Twixl Viewer app for iOS and Android allows you to quickly send a preview to your own device.
In combination with the Twixl Distribution Platform, that allows you to manage kiosk apps, with support for In-app purchases, subscriptions, entitlements, Newsstand, push notifications, we offer a very competitively priced and compelling mobile publishing alternative.

What’s New in Version 5.1.2:

・As per Apple’s upcoming requirements, all Twixl Distribution Platform content is now served over HTTPS
・Fixed an issue in the plugin which could cause color shifts when exporting from Adobe InDesign
・Fixed an issue in the webreader build when the publication contains items with resource forks
・Added many more options in the collection settings on the Distribution Platform to auto-sort the content items
・Fixed a bug that caused Android builds to fail
・Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect error about “Amazon builds”
・Fixed a bug in the highlight color of the cells on iOS in an article-based app
・When an Android single-issue app fails to start because of a missing OBB file, the user is now instructed to restart the device and relaunch the app. This is needed due to a bug on Android 6.x
・The “Register Test Device” option is no longer shown in the settings screen of an article-based app on iOS
・Fixed a bug in the Android reader which caused a web overlay button not to work
・Fixed a bug in the Android reader which caused a sound button not to work
・Fixed a bug in the Android reader which caused strange redraw behaviour in scrollable content
Introducing Twixl Publisher 5


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