Tecplot Focus 2018 R1 2018.1.1.87425

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Tecplot Focus 2018 R1 2018.1.1.87425 Mac OS X

Tecplot: software engineering plotting with extensive functionality of XY, 2D and 3D. The program is designed to measure operational data, test data construction, mathematical analysis and engineering construction in general. Tecplot users can now use the wide variety of open source libraries available. When performing any development project or scientific use this software to draw and display, which will help present their work in the most favorable way. And if you’re planning to present your data in a new, better and different way, then Tecplot gives you full control over the parameters of 2D and 3D drawing.

One of the most important new features of this product is the ability to write scripts in Python. This feature was created specifically for engineers who require additional analysis (FFTs, splines, statistical functions, etc.) as well as the flexibility it offers the ability to write scripts, compared with writing macros.

Tecplot Focus lets you quickly draw your line and surface engineering and test data exactly the way you want. You can analyze and explore complex datasets, arrange multiple XY, 2D and 3D plots, and communicate their findings to colleagues with high quality results.

Tecplot Focus probes helps the manufacturer to show the technology and sell products. Read the full case study.

Create, modify, and transform data IF condition: alter your data or create new data using mathematical expressions. Store math expressions for reuse. Create mirror images of existing data. Create new data as a subset of existing data.
Interpolate data: Choose between linear interpolation, kriging and inverse.
Triangular: creates sets of triangles from data points defined on a 2D plane.
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): Transforms ordered linear onedimensionales data in frequency domain for further analysis and visualization.

cutting tool: Cutting interactive 3D volume and surface data showing the mesh, contours and vectors in the plane of the cut.
Iso-surface tool: Change the iso-surface values interactively.
Survey tool: click on the surface to display the values of variables and indexes interpolated cell. Adjust the selections to the point of closest grid.
Streamtrace tool: Rakes seeds interactive power lines, streamrods and streamribbons 2D and 3D. Specify lines to finish the current lines. Show markers along the current lines spaced by vector magnitude. Place aerodynamic rakes. Generated traces of surface current in a wall slip based vector field shear. Automatic planting a specified number sequence path on a selected surface.
Contour tool: add and delete interactively contour lines or levels.
Extraction tools: Define interactively sets of points or polylines that are interpolated and extract data from 2D and 3D surface for display as a separate diagram.
Curve adjustments: Use minimal polynomial, power and exponential curves linear fits. Use curve fitting least squares linear combination of specified functions.
Suppression and data trimming: set multiple restrictions (or masks) to blank the display data based on the variables local field, the functions of the variables, the indices of the grid or the depth from the display position . Cut surfaces 3D volume data to reveal internal variations. Omit off areas or surfaces to highlight specific details.
Data extraction: extract iso-surfaces, cuts, subsets, flow lines, polylines, data finite element 3D volume and surface point sets 3D data to new data segments (areas) for further customization plot .

Configuration file and batch files: set new defaults and perform the initialization configuration files and startup batch files.
Macros: use macros to perform multiple and repetitive changes.
Design Files: Return to the graphics exactly as created by saving a design file that records the tables, attributes and data plotting. Design styles apply the same dataset or different datasets.
Stylesheets: record all aspects and aspects of a box data path without a stylesheet. Apply a style sheet to recreate a previous graph or plot style to apply to another data set.

Platform capability: run Tecplot Focus on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. Exchange files macro Tecplot Focus, design files, style sheets, the color map files and data files across all platforms.
Expanded data and file sharing: Compatible with Tecplot Focus 2008 and later. Compatible with Tecplot 360.

Working with multiple datasets
View multiple data sets simultaneously in multiple frames.
Load up to 5 million data points per frame.
Create PowerPoint presentations similar to multiple pages.

Annotation Plot
Text: Place the text interactively plots. Use all your system fonts with TrueType capabilities. Set the color, angle, size, font, background color and justification.
Geometries: interactively create polylines, rectangular boxes, circles and ellipses. Duplicate, reposition and resize geometries. Create and modify geometries (point by point) interactively and read from a file.
Images: import JPEG, BMP and PNG files on your route.

Output formats
Raster files based on Vector and Raster: Export vector – based PostScript, EPS and Windows Metafile formats. Export Raster in PNG, JPEG, BMP and TIFF formats. Set the image resolution regardless of the resolution of the screen.
Animations: export images to Flash (SWF), MPEG-4, WMV and AVI compatible with PowerPoint.

Data Entry
Charger General text: Scan ASCII data files for titles, variables and data, set filters and get a preview of the processed data.
Subset data entry: Lee subsets of variables, data blocks and data points to accelerate the path.
Custom Data reader: Use Development Kit complements Tecplot to create Chargers data for their proprietary file formats.
Auxiliary data: attach additional information (name / value pairs) data sets, frames or areas.

Line, 2D, 3D and polar plot
Time and date displays the time and date on any axis.
XY features: create scatter plots, line charts, bar graphs, diagrams semilogaritmo, log-log plots, bar charts error, splines, curves and settings. Configure marks, symbols, legends and more. Working with multiple horizontal and vertical axes.
Mesh layer displays grids 1D, 2D and 3D. Color mesh lines per variable and removes hidden lines.
Contour: shows contour lines, color flow between contour levels and the cells (or elements) of color fill. Use multivariable contour to view and analyze the interrelationships among several variables simultaneously.
Vectors: 2D and 3D vectors shown in drawings, 3D surfaces and volumes. 3D displays tangent vector components to the 3D surface. Specify the length, color, line type and style of the head. Variable color
Features polar path: create polar plots lines (r, theta). Set angles in radians, degrees or arbitrary units. Select between linear or logarithmic radio.
Edges: shows the edges of the data segments in 2D and 3D surfaces and volumes. Set color and line type. Draw folds according to the angle defined by the user.
Lighting effects: it sets the level of translucence and includes specular highlighting 3D surfaces. Set as uniform illumination model, or Gouraud panels.
Create shade frames.
Combine Plot Layers: assign combinations mesh, contours, vectors, dispersion, limit, shadow, lighting and volume attributes to multiple data segments.

System requirements:
Mac OS X 64 – bit: 10.6.8, 10.7.5, 10.8, 10.9.5, 10.10
64 – bit Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.5, 6.0; CentOS 5.5, 6.0;
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 10.4, 11.2; Ubuntu 12.04 LTS


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