SuperDuper! 3.9

SuperDuper 3
Size:10 MB [10 MB]

SuperDuper! 3.9 macOS

SuperDuper! is an advanced, yet easy to use disk copying program. It can, of course, make a straight copy, or “clone” — useful when you want to move all your data from one machine to another, or do a simple backup. In moments, you can completely duplicate your boot drive to another drive, partition, or image file.

Clones for safety. To ensure you can safely roll back a system after the unexpected occurs. With a few clicks, you can easily “checkpoint” your system, preserving your computer’s critical applications and files while you run on a working, bootable copy. If anything goes wrong, just reboot to the original. When you do, your current Documents, Music, Pictures — even iSync data — are available! You can get back to work immediately.

Clones for industry! SuperDuper has enough features to satisfy the advanced user, too. Its simple-but-powerful Copy Script feature allows complete control of exactly what files get copied, ignored, even aliased (“soft linked” for the Unix inclined) from one drive to another.

Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later



2 Responses

    • Mac Cowboy

      September 17, 2024 10:17 pm

      Thanks for the heads-up, caution is always smart. Having said that, OSX.Trojan.Gen.2 is one of the more generic ‘malware’ descriptions, similarly to previous false alarm detections in several key generators over the years, and I’ve never had any real malware in Mac KGs, BUT there ARE actual nasties also called OSX.Trojan.Gen.2 so I’ll run the KG in a virtual machine and see if anything sinister happens- if a KG asks for a user or admin password that’s a red flag for me. It’d be a shame if this site went to the dark side- in 2 or 3 years I’ve had zero problems with malicious files here, hope it stays that way.


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