ScreenLog 2.30 MAS
Automatically capture the screen when it changes.
Yes, only when it changed and you can configure the sensitivity!
Want to monitor or keep track of your computer usage? With ScreenLog, you can keep a log of screen captures of your computer sessions. However, unlike other apps, ScreenLog doesn’t take screen captures based on a set time interval, but by the present screen’s percent deviation from the last screenshot, making it much more efficient and usable.
Simply make your screenshots into a daily movies with our app named “picture2movie”.
What’s new
v2.13 -> v2.30
- Any Mac (Apple Silicon, Intel) version for macOS Big Sur
- ‘auto-op at login’ tip added
- startup tip added
- app version display added
- support menu updated
- bug fixed: preferences interface don’t show up by default
- interface fine-tuning for dark mode
- status menu icon modified for dark and light mode
- preferences interface modified
- hide app dock icon function rewritten
- all deprecated functions rewritten
Compatibility: OS X 10.15 or later, 64-bit processor
Mac App Store
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