Outline 3.2105.2

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Outline 3.2105.2 MAS Multilingual macOS

Notes with more creative freedom, better organization, and PDF export options. OneNote compatible & Office 365 powered. Take your OneNote to the cloud you like best or even local.

Capture notes at any spot on a page and draggable around. Organize notes in the world’s most natural hierarchy. Store notes in your local file system, and synced across devices with your favorite cloud.

Powered with import from Evernote and Circus Ponies.


  • Give your OneNote notes a new start beyond OneDrive or SharePoint
  • Export to OneNote, just in case
  • Go beyond import/export and do a real time collaboration on notes with colleagues who use OneNote (your Mac and their PCs)


  • Choose where you want to store your notes: Dropbox, iCloud, WebDAV, Box, or OneDrive
  • Consider a no-cloud option too: some notes need offline and cloud-free privacy
  • Mind the coming-soon: SharePoint, OneDrive for Business / Office 365


  • Find everything a note needs by the hand: text, lists, tables, images, checkboxes, hyperlinks, and more
  • Put that stuff anywhere in a note and then move around / re-size / edit it all, the way you like
  • Keep notes structured in a natural hierarchy of pages, sections, and notebooks
  • Access a note fast via recents, search, and note links
  • Manage font size and color, apply styles and highlighting
  • Attach files and insert printouts, to collect documents in one place


  • From OneNote
  • From Circus Ponies
  • From Evernote

What’s New:

Version 3.2105.2

  • This release contains bug fixes and stability improvements

Version 3.2105.1
New Features

  • Change default font family and font size.
  • Specify default page zoom level.

Editor Improvements and bug fixes

  • Major changes in handling of text styles. Paragraph Style now can be applied in two ways: 1) if there is cursor in the target paragraph, then paragraph style is applied, but existing text runs formatting is being kept. So, resulting text style will be combination of paragraph style and text run style applied above it. 2) When there is selection, paragraph style discards text run formatting.
  • Added text strikethough trait display.
  • New tag icons.
  • Lot of improvements in list markers display and styling.
  • Text could be partially cut for some font families, multiline text and larger font size.
  • Improved spellchecker results display.
  • Improvements in rendering when moving content. Now it is more smooth, without elements “shaking”.
  • Saving of user position on a page and page zoom did not work as expected sometimes.
  • Cursor height was not incorrect sometimes.
  • Links from Apple mail came incorrectly.
  • Fixes related with text alignment.
  • Text formatting toolbar buttons sometimes did not reflect current settings.
  • Text has been pasted to OneNote with black highlight if you clear highlight in Outline
  • Page was not scrolled when selecting by words out of visible area.
  • Application crashed after undo of deletion of last several rows in a table via context menu.
  • Autocorrection should not change hyperlinks.
  • Spellchecker line was hidden by text highlight.

Compatibility: macOS 10.11 or later.
Homepage https://www.omnigroup.com/omnioutliner



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