Mail Act-On 4.0.1

Name:Mail Act-On 4.0.1
Size:9.43 MB
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Name: Mail Act-On
Version: 4.0.1
Released: October 6th, 2016
Mac Platform: Intel
OS version: 10.9 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit processor
Includes: KG
Activation: Use the included KG (Courtesy of CORE) – Select “Mail Act-On v4” and click generate.
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Processing power for Mail
Effortless Email Management
Mail Act-Ons powerful Keystroke rules and message filing interface gives you the ability to quickly take action on your email. Use Mail Act-On 3 to build sophisticated email workflows that eliminate repetitive, time consuming and error prone manual email organization.
Manage your Outbox
Outbox rules give you the power to alter and organize the messages you send. With Act-On you can automatically CC or BCC messages depending on rule criteria. Make sure you always use the right delivery account for different recipients. Or add special headers. Or delay delivery. And more.
Total Control
Mail Act-On 3 new features give you unparalleled ability to manage your messages. Use Act-On’s new templates to quickly reply to messages. Use Act-On composer options to specify when messages are delivered, where sent messages get archived, and even which outbox rules are applied.
Mail Act-On’s menu window is always a keystroke away
Quickly select an action to apply to the selected messages, or filter your options to show the actions you want. Lock the window open to rapidly apply multiple actions to messages.
Choose when to deliver a message
As you compose set the delivery times as immediate, after a delay or at a specific time.
Choose where to archive when sending
Select where your sent mail is archived as you are composing. Alternatively, select the outbox rules to apply when composing.
Reply with templates
Create quick to use templates to use for replies. Automatically send the reply or open the reply in a composer window for further edits.
Create powerful outbox rules
Create rules that apply actions to the messages you send before and after you send the mail. Automatically add extra recipients, change servers, delivery delays and where the message is archive.
What’s new in version 4.0.1:

Released on October 6th, 2016
[Fixed] : Archive from Composer option not working as expected.
[Fixed] : Mail hanging on send in some situations
[Fixed] : Menu beeps when hitting ESC keys when focus is in filter field.
[Fixed] : Position of Act-On Window random if message preview not open in message viewer. Act-On window now appears as popover anchored to selected messages in message list when preview not open.
[OS Support] : Updates compatibility markers for macOS 10.12.1 beta

Mail Act-On


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