FoneLab HEIC Converter 1.0.26 macOS
FoneLab HEIC Converter helps you convert HEIC photos to JPG/PNG without hassle to solve this problem.
Given that you take a lot of pictures of HEIC also allows you to convert all photos from iOS 11 lots instead of finishing the conversion process one by one for a long time. In addition, assuming you have idea of setting the quality to a designated value, Aiseesoft HEIC Converter gives you availability.
In addition, to meet the preferences of different users, it is designed with two accessible methods to add files. One is pressing the button “Add HEIC” while the other is dragging images HEIC to the main interface. In order to maintain zero data loss, it has the ability to keep information EXIF. Safely it allows you to perform the entire conversion process at high speed locally. That is, all converted images are saved on your computer. You have the right to change the storage path and create a specific folder for saving files. There will be 10 images HEIC to convert free of charge, which means you can take this opportunity to try.
- Support output formats: JPG and PNG
- Cmpatible with Mac OS
- Access the batch conversion
- Allow the quality setting their own volition
- HEIC converts images quickly and safely
Compatibility: macOS 10.10 or later
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