CryptoNight CPU Minerfor Mac 1.1

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Name:CryptoNight CPU Minerfor Mac v1.1
Size:2.06 MB
FilesCryptoNightCPUMiner-v1p1.pkg (2.06 MB)
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Descriptions for CryptoNight CPU Minerfor Mac 1.1

Name: CryptoNight CPU Minerfor Mac
Version: 1.1
Mac Platform: Intel
OS Version: OS X 10.10 or later


CryptoNight CPU Miner is a high-performance altcoin mining application for all Macs running OSX 10.10 or later. It can mine for all currencies based on the CryptoNight algorithm, such as Monero (XMR), Electroneum (ETN), Intense (ITNS), Sumokoin (SUMO), Karbowanec (KRB), and others. It does not mine for Aeon (AEON) and other CryptoNight-Lite based coins at this time.

CryptoNight CPU Minerruns on stock and custom Macs and doesn’t require expensive GPUs like other cryptocurrency miners.

What’s New in CryptoNight CPU Minerfor Mac 1.1

  • Release notes not available at the time of this post.

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