BookMacster 2.2.15

Name:BookMacster 2.2.15
Size:17.75 MB
FilesBookMacster 2.2.15/BookMacster 2.2.15.dmg (17.75 MB)


Name: BookMacster for Mac
Version: 2.2.15
Release Date: 17 Oct 2016
Mac Platform: Intel
OS version:OS X 10.10 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit
Includes: Pre-K’ed
Activation: Pre-K’ed (Courtesy of The Shark)
Web Site:


BookMacster is a bookmarks manager for your Mac, which plays nicely with iCloud, Sign In to Chrome, and Firefox Sync. It can be used in three ways, or all three:
・Manage Browser Bookmarks. Add alphabetizing and tagging. Verify, fix dupes, consolidate.
・Cross-Browser Syncing. Sync bookmarks of Safari Firefox, Chrome, and more among all your devices.
・Directly. Keep your bookmarks in one central store, accessible within web browsers.
・Compatible with iCloud’s Safari syncing, Google Chrome’s Sign In, and Firefox Sync. Bookmarks added to Safari from BookMacster on your Mac will sync via iCloud to Safari on iOS devices.
・Import/export with Safari, Firefox, Chrome, iCab, Opera 11-12, Roccat, Pinboard, Delicious, Diigo, and OmniWeb.
・Easily organize with Tags, Hierarchy, or both.
・Verifies bookmarks, fixes redirects and duplicates.
・Sort (alphabetize) automatically when bookmarks are changed. You control which folders you want to be sorted or not sorted, how to sort them.
・Supports multiple User Profiles in Firefox and Google Chrome.
・Scriptable to collect new bookmarks from NetNewsWire or similar apps.

What’s New in Version 2.2.15:

・Fixed a bug which caused adding a new bookmark in certain ways, and also re-verifying bookmarks, to fail when operating in OS X 10.11 or earlier.
・Names of bookmarks created by dragging .webloc files in to Content no longer have *.webloc appended. (This was broken in a recent version as part of a fix for macOS 10.12.)

BookMacster Overview (2013-12-25)


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