Name: Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 for Mac
Release Date: 20 Dec 2016
Mac Platform: Intel
OS version:OS X 10.10 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit
・2 GB of RAM
・1.1 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
・1280×1024 display with 16-bit video card
・Internet connection
Includes: K
Web Site:
Dreamweaver has been reimagined for web designers who code. It is now more focused, efficient, and faster than ever before – with an all-new code editor, more intuitive user interface with a selectable dark theme, and several enhancements including support for new workflows such as CSS pre-processors.
Redesigned Code Editor
Several productivity enhancements have been made to the Code Editor in Dreamweaver to enable you to get on with the task of coding quickly and efficiently.
Code hints help new users learn HTML, CSS, and other web standards, and visual aids like auto-indentation, code coloring, and resizable fonts help reduce errors and make your code easier to read.
Code hints
The code hinting functionality in Dreamweaver is enhanced to provide more useful information for the selected code.
In earlier versions of Dreamweaver, when you type a right-angle bracket, you get a drop-down list of relevant code.
In this release, you not only get the relevant code, you also get additional information that helps you to quickly ramp up on HTML, CSS, and other web technologies within Dreamweaver itself.
Code display enhancements
The overall appearance of the code is now enhanced for better readability. You can see improvements in code formatting, and code coloring.
Code formatting
When you write code, Dreamweaver auto-indents the code to circumvent erroneous manual indentation and improve readability.
Code coloring
Dreamweaver now supports code coloring for additional number of file types.
Code coloring support is now available for HTML, JS, CSS, PHP, XML, LESS, Sass, SCSS, SVG, Bash, C, C#, C++, clojure, CoffeeScript, Dart, Diff, EJS, Embedded Ruby, Groovy, Handlebars, Haskell, Haxe, Java, JSON, Lua, Markdown, Markdown (GitHub), Perl, Properties, Python, RDF Turtle, Ruby, Scala, SQL, Stylus, Text, VB, VBScript, XML, and YAML.
What’s New in Version (2017):
・In-built code-coloring support – You can now create and customize code themes, based on the default Light and Dark themes. You can then customize the code colors by modifying the right selectors in the theme file. Select the light or dark default code theme in Edit > Preferences > Interface, and if you want to change the code colors, save the theme with a new name, and start editing the theme file.
Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017 v17.0.1.9346
│── Adobe Zii 2.2.1 for Adobe CC15 CC17.dmg (9.08 MB)
└─ AdobeDreamweaver17.0.1-mul.dmg (673.2 MB)
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