Click Search + 1.1.0

Click Search +
Size:2.3 MB [2.3 MB]

Click Search + 1.1.0 MAS macOS

Click Search + is More than a browser! This is the Mac version of Touch Search +

* For this information era Touch Search + is the most convenient tool for most of users
* Before “Touch Search +” – Tedious & inefficient

  • Open Web Browser.
  • Type keywords
  • Open another tab for another search engine
  • Type keywords
  • Again, again and again

* With “Touch Search +” – Type once & Just click across search engines

  • No retyping same keywords on every search engine

* Special functionality

  • Customizable Search engines (Search engines, Dictionaries, Shopping sites and more)
  • Reorder Search engines and former search engines displayed first.

* When you read books or news paper, you can use dictionary.

Compatibility: macOS 11.0 or later
HMac App Store



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